International Symposium DRAMAQUEEN. Contemporary Theatre by Women from Central and East Europe (Berlin, 6th – 8th May 2010).

Dramatists, directors and theatre experts from fourteen Central and East European Countries will be brought together by the international symposium DRAMAQUEEN. Contemporary Theatre by Women from Central and East Europe at the Literary Colloquium Berlin (LCB) and the Sophiensaelen, from 6th to the 8th May 2010. Together they will discuss the functions of theatre and its protagonists in the countries that underwent transformation after 1989 and will identify perspectives of a transnational theatre. Among the participants are authors such as Dorota Maslowska (“Snow White and Russian Red”, “Two Poor, Polish-speaking Romanians”), Ivana Sajko (“Rio Bar”) and Nicoleta Esinencu (“FUCK YOU,!”), who together with lecturers, theatre academics and journalists will consider the successful and provocative theatre of young dramatists. The symposium will be divided into the panels Generation Dramaqueen – The Stage in The Spotlight – Aesthetics of Language – Memory Reservoir Theatre – Provocations – Border Crossings; it will also consider the significant influence of these authors in European drama in addition to debating their recent works, which in their dramatic images reflect the unflattering reality of deformed societies, their moral decay and their meaningless yet unbridled consumerism.

Opening event on 6th May 2010 (8pm) at Literary Colloquium Berlin (Am Sandwerder 5, 14109 Berlin): Sabine Adler (Deutschlandfunk) in discussion with Ivano Sajko (Croatia) and Dorota Maslowska (Poland).

The project is supported by the Capital City Cultural Fund and the Robert Bosch Foundation, in cooperation with the Sophiensaele Theatre, the Berlin Literary Colloquium and the Freiburg Literary Secretariat.

Idea and realisation: Katarina Tojic, Kateryna Stetsevych and Stefanie Stegmann

Registration available through the website or at the event locations. Entrance: €20, concessions €15 (covers all events in the symposium)

Press accreditation

Kateryna Stetsevych, Katarina Tojić