img_2150a.jpgBarbora Schnelle, born in 1974 in Brno, Czech Republic, studied Theatre Studies & Aesthetics in the Faculty of Humanities at the Masaryk University, Brno, from 1992 to 1997. From 1995-1996 she also studied Theatre Sciences/Cultural Communication – Cultural Studies (in the Faculty of Humanities) at the Humboldt University in Berlin. Alongside her study Barbora Schnelle worked as a theatre critic and translator of German-language dramatists into Czech, including several plays by Elfriede Jelinek. She is the co-founder of the “online theatre magazine of sober rage”, YORICK, and works there as an editor. She has undertaken further editorial work for several journals. From 2000 to 2001 she was an academic assistant in Theatre Studies at the Institute for Theatre and Film Studies at the Masaryk University and completed her doctorate in 2001 on the topic of “Theatre of the Conscience” by Elfriede Jelinek. Barbora Schnelle works as a translator, theatre critic, journalist and author: in 2006 her publication Elfriede Jelinek and her Theatre Against the Theatre was published.